Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Success Snowball

You know how when somebody gets on a streak and things just start to flow for them, its like their success cant be stopped once it starts? Thats what I call the snowball of success. Remember back in 1993-94 when Vladi Divac pulled down a staggering 829 rebounds? Once he started he just couldn't be stopped. Then once he was rollin, the fame came and his success just grew and grew, and now lives as a legend in all our hearts. So here is how you can start your own success snowball. Just like the first million is the hardest to make, so is the first lake record catch, but here is the secret to getting it started. All you need to do is start a fish farm, follow these steps to get going . .

1. COMPLETE and give CORRECT MAILING ADDRESS, including ZIP CODE and email address if available to the wildlife department.

2. PHONE NUMBER, with AREA CODE. If you do not have a phone it would be helpful to list the phone number of a relative or close neighbor who can relay a message to you or call you to a phone.

3. Complete legal description of land where pond is located. SECTION, RANGE, and TOWNSHIP.

4. COUNTY where pond is located. This facilitates routing your application to the proper hatchery.

5. SURFACE ACRE size of pond. If you are in doubt, see item #1 of requirements.

6. Date pond was constructed, if and when it was stocked. This information is needed to further identify your pond.

7. Are there ANY fish in the pond? IF THIS IS TRUE, please do not proceed because IT IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO BE STOCKED WITH FISH FROM THE WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT.

8. Fish are provided based on the following lengths and STOCKING RATE: largemouth bass 2" (100 per acre), channel catfish 2" (100 per acre) and bluegill 1" (500 per acre). However no more than 3 ponds or 10 acres total worth of fish will be provided to any one applicant. If larger fish are desired we will provide a list of commercial fish producers.
9. SIGNATURE. Must be signature of land owner or lessee.

10. FISHING LICENSE NUMBER. As stated in #5 of Requirements, you must have a current Utah Fishing License.

11. Return EACH APPLICATION by MAY 31 of the year that you want fish.

Once you have legal abilities to grow your own fish all you have to to is grow a couple monster trouts and bring them with you to the lake, take a few pictures of you with the fish in different areas and claim that you caught them there. Once you have caught that first big one the rest will start rolling in, I guarantee it!

Good luck and send me some picks of your lake record catches!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like that jerk is about to fall over the edge of the boat.
